Isn’t it okay to look back sometimes? Isn’t this why we study history? To learn from the past? For the past year, I’ve been on a journey to try and rewire my brain from about 30 years of unhealthy thinking habits. But because old ways of thinking still creep up from time to time, […]
The Past
How to Let Go of the Past
The past is for looking back on pleasant memories, sharing stories with future generations, for making mistakes and learning life lessons. It’s not meant for holding onto resentment or polluting your present or future with bitterness and regret. It’s meant to shape you for who you are, but you get to choose how. Will you […]
Ever since I moved to Los Angeles one year ago, I feel like a timer has been running and I’m constantly aware of the time passing. I feel as if every moment I’m here is a moment I can’t waste. If I ever start to slack off, it feels like my being here is in […]