When learning how to juggle, you are taught how to toss and catch just one ball before adding a second. You then are to master juggling two before adding a third, and so on. Everyone who can juggle though, has a limit to how many objects they can juggle at one time before everything comes […]
Planting Seeds
I have always liked the feeling of getting dirt on my hands. Whether they’re black and oily from messing around under the hood of a car or whether I’m literally digging in the dirt when planting or weeding. When I look down at my dirty hands, I can visibly see my efforts. Sometimes, however, even […]
Nike was on to something. The three words the brand coined together as their famous tagline always plays back as the answer to my lethargy – just do it. The simplicity and straightforwardness of it makes us question is efficacy. Surely, getting things done can’t be that simple. After all, we’re all just so busy […]