It was an ethereal experience waking up to that song the other morning – a song that has since then become muffled in my memory. It was like waking up to a dream, if you can imagine the irony. A couple of men have been remodeling in the apartment directly below mine and every morning […]
I‘ll admit, I can be somewhat of a chameleon when it comes to being around certain people. I will pick up on their cues and adapt to their personality accordingly. For example, I act a bit differently when I’m around my friend versus when I’m around my grandfather. I’m sure there are some of you […]
I could have died on more than one occasion that day. The first instance was when I was on my way home from a job interview. While at a stop sign waiting for traffic to clear so that I could make a left hand turn, I noticed I was slowly rolling forward toward the moving […]
Hidden Pathways
Once I coasted past the horrific display of that poor, bloated, dead dog lying on the tracks and the miles of concrete walls painted up by – whom I could only speculate to be – gang members and other hooligans, my first experience riding the train was somewhat delightful. Â I was assigned a window seat, […]