Spring is here. It’s a time for new growth, a time when everything comes alive again. Fresh rain nourishes the earth which is now a canvas of bright green and blue. Yesterday, my parents had cut down a few dead trees around the property and I helped load the wood in a wagon and drive it off […]
Benefits of Journaling
Nope. Diaries aren’t just for emotional, teenage girls. But if the word still repels you because of its cheesy connotation as it does me, then let’s call them journals. A ‘journal’ sounds much more sophisticated. Starting back in August of this past year, I began journaling consistently. Not in some expensive, mole-skinned-leather-bound book with a fancy-schmancy […]
Joy Through Others
There’s nothing quite like that cathartic moment when we’re driving alone in our car, we hit the steering wheel as hard as we can, shout some form of vulgarity so loud our voice cracks, and the disconcerted feeling that someone may have seen this little meltdown that immediately follows. Or is this just me? I had one of these […]
Vulnerability. Some see it as a sign of weakness but I like to see it as just the opposite.  It’s brave. It’s placing yourself in the line of fire in order to, let’s say, have a real connection with someone. As one definition states, it’s “…offering an opening to criticism.” Offering. It’s intentionally opening yourself up even when […]
Ever since I moved to Los Angeles one year ago, I feel like a timer has been running and I’m constantly aware of the time passing. I feel as if every moment I’m here is a moment I can’t waste. If I ever start to slack off, it feels like my being here is in […]
I could have died on more than one occasion that day. The first instance was when I was on my way home from a job interview. While at a stop sign waiting for traffic to clear so that I could make a left hand turn, I noticed I was slowly rolling forward toward the moving […]